The difference is based on how it is practiced, the requirements, the difficulty. Some of them are suitable for beginners, while others are more recommended for advanced practitioners. Finding the style that is for you will make it easier to continue with your practice, as you will feel motivated and comfortable with the practice. However, Yoga is a practice that can be adjusted to the preferences of each day, so you can start practicing one style and, as you feel more confident, you can give a try to others. In that way, you will learn to listen to your body and have more options to choose the style that you feel to practice each day based on your energy level, your mood, and body sensations. When we want to practice the same routine every day, we have more chances of injuring ourselves, since we are not listening to our body. Check out the differences and find the best style according to your needs today.
Hatha Yoga is friendly to everyone, if you don't know where to begin, this style can be the best door to get in tune with your body and the practice of Yoga. In most of the studios you will find the passive form of Hatha. It is a slow style, where you practice different static poses with slow deep breathing and concentration for approximately 3 minutes each pose. It attains the union of mind-body-spirit through the practice of Asana, Pranayama, and Meditation.
Ashtanga Yoga is Patanjali's classification of classical yoga, as set out in his Yoga Sutras. He defined the eight limbs of yoga. In Sanskrit, ashtanga means eight-limbed (asta- eight, anga- limb). Ashtanga Yoga is an eight-limbed path towards achieving the state of Yoga. He defined the eight limbs as yamas (abstinences), niyama (observances), asana (posture), pranayama (breathing), pratyahara (withdrawal), dharana (concentration), dhyana (meditation) and samadhi (Nirvana). Tristana is the foundation of this practice. It consists of three parts: Ujjayi breath (victorious breath), the bandhas (energy locks), and drishti (yogic gaze). These three tools transform the asana (physical) practice from a simple body exercise into a total mind-body experience. This style will keep your body moving in coordination with the breath, bandhas and drishti. It is a very dynamic and athletic form of yoga, made up of six series or levels, with a fixed order of postures. It is a physically demanding style of yoga. Students follow a set sequence of postures each time, gradually progressing through the series.
Kundalini Yoga is also known as the Yoga of Awareness. It is a blend of practices which ensure a faster outcome. The main difference of this styles with others, is the practice of Kriyas. The effect of a kriya is stronger that asanas. A kriya is a dynamic asana combined with breathwork, mantras, mudras, bandhas and chakra visualization. In between each Kriyas you will be guided to take a moment of awareness to integrate the sensations and the effects of each kriya. It also incorporates the practice of Bhakti Yoga, Meditation and Yoga Nidra. It is considered an advanced Yoga style, it requieres vegetarian diet and satvic lifestyle.
Tantra Yoga is a style passive, slow and meditative which incorporate the practice of different techniques like asanas, mantras, visualization, bhakti-kirtan, and rituals. It focusses on the flow of energy through the chakras. It is considered an advanced yoga style as it requieres vegetarian diet and satvic lifestyle.
Bhakti Yoga: This style is also known as the Yoga of Devotion or Nada Yoga. The goal is reaching to an expanded state of consciousness through the practice of chanting mantras or using sounds. It uses kirtan chant which is a great practice for your throat chakra Vishuddhi which will improve your communication skills. As you deep in chanting, Anahata your heart chakra will release emotions and your Ajna chakra will increase your intuition. It requieres vegetarian diet.
Egyptian Yoga is a passive and meditative style. It incorporates mudras and mythology through the practice. It is based on the teachings which were practiced in the ancient Egyptian Temples.
Shamanic Yoga use dynamic and passive Traditional Yoga Asanas, Kriyas, Breathwork, Bhakti, Rituals, Meditation and Yoga Nidra. It is considered an advanced Yoga style, it requieres vegetarian diet and satvic lifestyle.
Back Bending and Hip Opening: It is based on sequences of Asanas for the stretching of the Hips and the flexibility of the spine. It is invigorating and helps to decrease depression, trauma and blockages in Svadhisthana chakra related with sexual energy and Anahata chakra which is connected with heart emotions.
What is the best yoga style for beginners?
Hatha Yoga is highly recommended to get started in your practice.
If you are vegetarian and your lifestyle is without drugs, and alcohol, then you can try Kundalini or Tantra Yoga. If you are a musician, singer or you want to start from meditation, try Bhakti Yoga
It doesn't really matter the style of Yoga you practice; the important thing is to practice, and keep trying. Trust ... you will find your tribe.
